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开云(中国)Kaiyun·官方网站,开云(中国)Kaiyun-360攻入搜索市场 百度奋起反击

时间:2024-10-02    点击数:

本文摘要:A battle is emerging between Baidu Inc. and upstart Qihoo 360 Technology Inc., underlining the high stakes in Chinas growing Web-search market. 百度(Baidu Inc.)与后起之秀奇虎360科技有限公司(Qihoo 360 Technology Inc.)之间的战争将要打响,借此可见它们在中国不断扩大的互联网搜寻市场不存在着多么根本性的利害关系。

A battle is emerging between Baidu Inc. and upstart Qihoo 360 Technology Inc., underlining the high stakes in Chinas growing Web-search market. 百度(Baidu Inc.)与后起之秀奇虎360科技有限公司(Qihoo 360 Technology Inc.)之间的战争将要打响,借此可见它们在中国不断扩大的互联网搜寻市场不存在着多么根本性的利害关系。Qihoos emergence as a real player in search just a few weeks after unveiling its search engine has rattled Baidu-long the countrys dominant search provider. Google Inc.s market share has fallen steadily here since the U.S.-based moved its services to Hong Kong two years ago.涉及报导奇虎发售搜索引擎才几周时间,就沦为搜寻领域一个不可忽视的角色,让长年占有中国市场主导地位的搜寻提供商百度倍感忧虑。

美国的谷歌公司(Google Inc.)自两年前将服务移到香港后,它在中国大陆的市场份额就仍然在持续上升。China is home to more than 500 million Internet users, and second-quarter search advertising revenue reached more than $1 billion, according to research group Analysys International. So Baidu acted swiftly to protect its turf.研究公司易观国际(Analysys International)的数据表明,中国网民数量已超强5亿,二季度搜寻广告收益在10亿美元以上。

有鉴于此,百度很快采取行动来维护自己的地盘。Qihoo, which has built a strong user base on the popularity of its Internet security software and secure browser, in early August started a search engine to compete with Baidu. But search results on Qihoo (pronounced chee hoo), listed links from Baidu results and services, such as maps, music and photo search.奇虎依赖其网络安全软件和安全性浏览器的普及,早已培育了一个可观的用户群体。

它在8月上旬发售了一个搜索引擎跟百度竞争,但奇虎的搜寻结果所列了百度搜寻结果与服务的链接,如地图、音乐和图片搜寻等。Baidu responded by making it difficult to click through to Baidu services from Qihoos site, providing links to older, cached results-rather than fresh results-or directly to a Baidu page.百度进行反攻,给用户从奇虎网站页面转入百度服务生产艰难。它得出的链接指向更加早于搜寻结果的网页快照、而不是新的搜寻结果,或者是让用户必要转入百度页面。Investors reacted strongly. Baidus American depositary receipts have dropped 15% on the Nasdaq Stock Market over the past two weeks, while Qihoos ADRs have climbed 18% on the New York Stock Exchange.投资者回应作出强烈反应。

过去两周百度在纳斯达克市场交易的美国存托凭证暴跌15%,奇虎在纽约证券交易所交易的美国存托凭证则总计下跌18%。Were not worried, we are doing the right thing, Qihoo Chief Financial Officer Alex Xu said. Basically, the search market before we launched was underserved by Baidu.奇虎首席财务宽徐祚立说道,我们不担忧,我们在做到准确的事;总体上来讲,在我们发售搜索引擎以前,百度没服务好这个市场。

Baidu declined to comment.百度拒绝接受置评。Though other Chinese Internet companies have tried in vain to cut into Baidus nearly 80% of search-market revenue, analysts project that Qihoo could take 10% of the market in coming quarters. Google is Chinas No. 2 search engine, with 15% of the market.中国其他互联网企业也曾企图分食百度在搜寻市场相似80%的份额(按收益计算出来),结果都是徒劳。

但分析师预计奇虎有可能在未来几个季度获得10%的份额。谷歌份额为15%,是中国第二大搜索引擎。J.P. Morgan analyst Dick Wei said Qihoo is likely to take market share from both Baidu and Google as inexperienced users of Qihoos portal use its own default search engine. According to Baidu statistics, Qihoos browser supplies 21% of Baidus traffic, meaning Qihoo could take even more market share from Baidu.摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)分析师韦迪说道,随着奇虎门户网站上缺乏经验的用户开始用于它自己的配置文件搜索引擎,百度和谷歌的市场份额都有可能向奇虎萎缩一部分。百度数据表明奇虎浏览器为它获取了21%的流量,这意味著奇虎还有有可能夺回百度的更好份额。

Google didnt respond to a request for comment.谷歌没恢复置评催促。Although little known outside of China, Qihoo has capitalized on the volume of viruses and malware on Chinas Internet to attract users to the companys secure browser and portal. According to Qihoo, its browser had 270 million monthly users in the first quarter, while its website had 77 million unique daily hits.奇虎在中国以外少有人闻,但它利用中国互联网上病毒与恶意软件侵袭之机,为自己的安全性浏览器和门户网站更有了大量用户。奇虎获取的数据表明,一季度其浏览器的月度活跃用户约2.7亿,其网站的每日独立国家访问量约7,700万次。

The company was founded in 2006 by Zhou Hongyi and Qi Xiangdong, Qihoos current chief executive and president, respectively. Mr. Zhou is the former head of Yahoo Inc. in China and one of the most outspoken of Chinas tech tycoons, frequently at odds with other leaders of Chinas biggest Internet companies.奇虎于2006年由周鸿燊和齐向东创立,两人现在分别兼任首席执行长和总裁。周鸿燊曾任雅虎(Yahoo Inc.)中国区负责人,是中国科技界最敢直言的巨头之一,经常与中国仅次于几家互联网企业的其他领导人争吵。With the introduction of its search engine, Qihoo aims to funnel much of its large user base into its own search, giving the company a piece of Chinas highly profitable search advertising.奇虎发售搜索引擎,是要将自己可观用户群中的相当大一部分导向自己的搜索引擎,从而在中国利润可观的搜寻广告领域分给一杯羹。

Qihoo has battled other Chinese Internet companies before. In 2010 the company accused online-games maker Tencent Holdings Ltd. of scanning the private data of Tencents users. Tencent retaliated by cutting off its QQ instant-messaging service for users of Qihoo antivirus software. The spat earned each company a rebuke from Chinas Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.奇虎之前还曾与中国其他互联网企业愈演愈烈大战。2010年该公司声称网络游戏开发商腾讯控股(Tencent Holdings Ltd.)扫瞄腾讯用户的隐私数据。

作为背叛,腾讯对奇虎反病毒软件的用户截断了QQ即时通讯服务。因为这场争端,两家公司都遭中国工业和信息化部的训斥。Analysts warned that it will be no easy task for Qihoo to break into Baidus core market as Baidu has more cash and significantly larger engineering resources at its disposal.分析师警告,百度资金更为充足,农村居民的工程资源也远比奇虎非常丰富,所以奇虎要打入百度的核心市场也不是一件更容易的事。

Mr. Wei, of J.P. Morgan, wrote that the most valuable high-end users eventually would be wooed back to Baidus search engine by its array of products, such as maps and streaming music search.摩根大通的韦迪写到,最有价值的高端用户最后不会在百度一系列产品(如地图和音乐流媒体搜寻)的更有之下,返回百度的搜索引擎上来。



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